Deputy Vice-Chancellor's Message
Pakistan Non-Olympic Online University
Welcome to the Pakistan Non-Olympic Online University. Students are showing great interest to study under online system, but online system of studying is not success in all prevailing aspects, but great news for the world students, that Pakistan Non-Olympic Online University and INOU has created the excellent way (platform) to study online, write exam online etc. Our aim is to develop high reputation and easy and cost-effective online education systems to encourage the students to get involve in online program.
I assure that the Pakistan Non-Olympic Online University will get a remarkable demand of their innovative courses and all students from Pakistan and globally will be enjoying these courses and create an employment opportunity themselves.
The Pakistan Non-Olympic Online University is a national entity of International Non-Olympic University -INOU is a non-profit organization dedicated to all students who wants to study easiest method and mark great opportunity for students.
The International Non-Olympic University - INOU is acting as "World 1st Mega University" (A Mega University itself establishing an University in each country of the World, with the aim of One World !! One Education !! This is the first concept in the history of the World Education). The International Non-Olympic University - INOU would set-up a National Non-Olympic University (Online & Physical Campus) under prevailing University Recognition Act of respective country.
The Pakistan Non-Olympic Online University & INOU invites people from all around the Pakistan,
professional, corporate sectors, government sectors, and educationalist to come
forward and extend cooperative and professional support to full fill this dream
of the Pakistan and world in the largest interest of students, world peace, social